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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Exam 3_ Special Populations in CJC

Exam 3_ Special Populations in CJC

Q 1.Which of the following is most often NOT an element of a sexual offense?According to official statistics, what approximate percentage of males report being victims of a sex offense within their life time? 3.Considering just the Female Sex Offender Typologies, which of the following offender type has been found to be the youngest perpetrators of sex crimes? 4.What approximate percentage of sex crime arrests involve a female offender? 5.Sex offenders are most often “specialists,” meaning they have a particular sex crime, age group, and gender in which they victimize.

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1.Mentally Disabled 2. 11%-15% 3.Young Adult Child Exploiters 4.7%-10% 5.false